

"Seminar Frontiers of AI Innovation: Reinforcement Learning und Quantum Machine Learning"

Seminar at HWZ Zurich

Instructor: Ursula Maria Mayer
Date: June 18, 2025
Seminar Frontiers of AI Innovation: Reinforcement Learning und Quantum Machine Learning
The one-day seminar "Frontiers in AI Innovation" offers a conceptual and business-oriented introduction to the most advanced AI technologies: Reinforcement Learning and Quantum Machine Learning.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is already being used by leading companies today to replace existing Deep Learning services, as RL offers a variety of additional possibilities and advantages. Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning (QML) have the potential to significantly accelerate AI services. Both AI technologies also open up entirely new business opportunities.
In just one day, this seminar updates the AI knowledge of business leaders and professionals beyond the media hype, empowering them to practically apply the latest developments in artificial intelligence.
Please find more details and the registration link on the HWZ website:
Learn more and register here!

Workshops and Courses

"How to build responsible AI solutions in business?"

Workshop Customizable for your Companies Needs

Instructor: Ursula Maria Mayer
Date: On demand
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are among the most talked about methods for optimization, automation and growth on a global scale. The possibilities seem endless and developments in AI are rapid, but societal and environmental issues are also emerging.
Sciform AI Wokshop
Have you ever wondered how you can acquire enough knowledge to make successful business decisions in AI without a technical background? Do you want to develop AI in an ethical and sustainable way? Are you short on time and looking for a compact introduction to AI?
Then this workshop is for you! It will give you a concise and in-depth overview of the most important topics in AI.
Get in touch with us today to discuss a customized workshop tailored to your company's specific needs!
Contact us!